Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Saturday, 19th of april, teambulding um4p

The day starts with a good breakfast. It has been made by the group that was appointed the previous evening. So we had enough energy to start the day full with activities. The first activity was a familiarisation game. As next we had a few teambuilding games, followed by a number of presentations which had been prepared by groups of two.

For the first game, everybody had to go and sit in a circle. One somebody stood in the middle of it. The aim was to learn all the names of the group. So, the person that sat in the circle had to say a name of somebody else in the circle and the named person had to say another name before he will be tapped by the person in the middle. If the named person could not say a new name before he was taped he had to stand in the middle of the circle. Then when we new all the names, the hobby and education or job were added to it. For example: Johannes, Saxophone, Latin-Science.

The next assignments were teambuilding games. For the first game, there needed to be stretched a string between two piles. It had a height of 1.50 m and it presented an electric wall. Everybody stood on one square of the wall and had to cross one by one. There was nobody on the other site of the wall to catch the first person and the last person had to, with the help of the others on the other site, cross the string alone.

The next teambuilding game was building a tent. I hear you thinking, that can not be hard, but three of us were blindfolded and needed to build the tent while the other three only were allowed to give instructions to the blindfolded persons. We were all surprised what the result was. The tent was just for one person, something nobody expected.

The last teambuilding assignment was to cross the wall between Israel and Palestine, but not for real of course. They had weaved a thread between and around all trees in the forest. We had to follow the thread blindfolded until we came to a little hill and one by one we had to climb it. The persons who were already upstairs were allowed to help the others.

All tasks were a succes.

As last for this day we have the presentations. In the previous meeting everyone had to choose one topics about Israƫl in pairs. Some of the topics were Jerusalem, History, Refugees, Settlements, Palestinian Society, Israeli Society, Water, Economics, Agriculture,
Separation Wall, Actuality,…

For the morning, midday and evening meals different groups were responsible as well as the dishes.

Everything went according to plan that day, so we could relax a bit in the evening during a couple of parlour games and some music.

Written by Angelique